Sunday, 15 June 2014

Anti Fog Inserts for your GoPro

Okay, so you're going on holiday and you're all excited about getting in the water with your GoPro camera.  Super.  There are just a couple of things you need to consider to ensure you get the best pictures or video.

Firstly, if you're in British waters, go online or head out to one of the many shops that sell GoPro Anti Fog Inserts and purchase a pack.  They are priced at £14.99 for 12 inserts which is pretty reasonable for the difference they make.  If you haven't seen them before they look like this.
They are really easy to use.  The airtight bag prevents them from becoming moist once they've been opened.  The 'Humicator' inside the bag also tells you if the have become unusable for any reason.  If the colour of the dot goes darker than the rectangle just throw them away, don't waste your time.
When you're ready to get in to the water, open up the housing on the camera and put two of the inserts underneath the camera at the bottom (if you're using the Hero 3+ black edition).  You should just be able to make out one insert in the picture below, underneath where it says  Just do the same on the other side.
Close up the housing making sure the door is clear of any of the inserts.  You don't want to let anything get in the way of the waterproof seal.
Attach your camera to whatever mount or handle you are using and away you go.  It's worth considering what would happen if your camera becomes detached from the mount in the water.  If you are using a kayak mount, surf mount or similar, fit a floaty back door just in case the worst should happen.  If you are holding the camera on a pole, make it something like The Bobber or GoPole Evo, which floats should you let it go in the water.  The Bobber is particularly good as its bright yellow and difficult to miss.

When you're done capturing your adventures, take out the inserts, put them in a pan in a preheated oven at 300F for 5 minutes to dry them out and reuse.  Simple.
Have Fun.


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